Broods | 2016 | about | press | catalog
Hardesty Arts Center Tulsa, OK
and The Luminary, St. Louis, MO
June and September 2016
Broods are functioning, experimental structures that provide sheltering, feeding, and brooding sites for wild, feral, and domestic animals living amongst us, including the highly beneficial Brown Bat and solitary, non-colonizing bees, an endangered, indigenous pollinator.
In this work I seek plain and practical results, but also commentary. This commentary is to be achieved, in part, through structures that cohabitate enemies, predator and prey, truthfully or not. This gesture combines with a second, as these structures are crammed into the cracks of an exhibition / public space, much like the animals themselves are forced to do within our current state.
Nonetheless, these are machines for making babies; machines for keeping more alive, somehow, some way.
Dedicated to Luna, the go along come along gal, 2006-2017
Special Thanks to Adam Welch